Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New catalina marketing site


For years now, I’ve been saying that I wish Catalina Marketing would help us out by releasing the information on all the current catalinas running. I mean, if you’re a marketing company and your job is to market catalinas, would making the details of those catalinas more accessible to the general public be a good thing? I certainly think so!

At any rate, Catalina Marketing just started a new site called CouponNetwork.com. They offer a number of printable coupons as well as details on “Buy and Save” offers at your local store. It appears to me like they may just be starting to release the catalina details to the general public (as it looks like that’s the the “Buy and Save” offer details are — apparently, Catalina Marketing does not call their offers “catalinas”!)

When I looked up the offers in my area, there was only one offer showing up and I’m thinking there should be more catalinas than that running right now.

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